International Religious Liberty

Making the Case for Democracy: Part 3 of the Decline of Democracy Series
Making the Case for Democracy: Part 3 of the Decline of Democracy Series

When the forces of tyranny were far stronger and the world’s roster of democracies far smaller, President Reagan argued that “we must take actions to assist the campaign for democracy.” America took those actions in the twentieth century; it should do no less in the twenty-first.

Goodbye Ahok, Hello “BTP”: Inside Indonesia’s Convoluted Politics
Goodbye Ahok, Hello “BTP”: Inside Indonesia’s Convoluted Politics

On January 24, 2019, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, formerly known by his nickname Ahok and now as “BTP,” was released from prison. What happens to him will tell us much about Indonesia’s political future.

First, They Came for the First Commandment - China - Religious Persecution
First, They Came for the First Commandment

Last November, a government squad in Henan Province, China, removed the First Commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me,” from a display at a state-sanctioned Three-Self Patriotic Movement church because an official determined it was inconsistent with Chinese policy.

Freedom of Religion and the Christian Ethics of the Nation-State
Freedom of Religion and the Christian Ethics of the Nation-State

A socially responsible Christian ethic understands that the ordinance of the nation-state—even in a fallen world—calls for prophetic scrutiny in hopes that it would be brought back in alignment with civic and moral righteousness.

A New Year’s Resolution, An Ancient Evil: Combatting Antisemitism in 2019

ANTISEMITISM IS NOT just a Jewish, Christian, or American problem. It’s a global problem, and Christians must stand up to confront it. But the best way to confront antisemitism is not by fighting it as some would urge us to do. “Anti-antisemitism” is redundant and nonsensical. Forcing anyone to like the Jews will never work. 

What an Imprisoned Chinese Pastor can Teach Christians About the Limits of State Power

Recently, in China, over 100 Christian pastors were imprisoned, charged with “inciting subversion to state power.” Among those jailed was…

“A Beacon on Our Coast”: The First Freedom at Home & Abroad

Religious freedom and foreign affairs have always been inextricably linked.

Asia Bibi
Give Asia Bibi Asylum, Now

Regardless of the risks, every free nation in the world should be climbing over one another to be the first to offer Asia Bibi sanctuary.

Blasphemy Returns as a Political Weapon in Indonesia
Blasphemy Returns as a Political Weapon in Indonesia

A seemingly small incident in Indonesia is the first shot in the use of religion, specifically accusations of blasphemy, as a political weapon against President Jokowi in the ongoing presidential race.

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