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ProvCast Ep. 41: Hong Kong in Crisis — A Conversation with Olivia Enos

Managing editor Drew Griffin sits down with Olivia Enos of the Heritage Foundation to discuss the ongoing crisis in Hong Kong, human rights, and the plight of Christians and Communist China.

UN Inefficiency Revealed Again, This Time in Syria
UN Inefficiency Revealed Again, This Time in Syria

Though the UN’s job, according to its charter, is to maintain international peace and security, protect human rights, deliver humanitarian aid, promote sustainable development, and uphold international law, the organization is becoming increasingly ineffective in all these areas. And now people like Ahmad see help from the UN as a dangerous mistake.

Saving Nickels and Dimes on the Backs of the World's Most Suffering People is Poor Policy
Saving Nickels and Dimes on the Backs of the World’s Most Suffering People is Poor Policy

The move to cut USAID’s budget threatens US interests around the world while making almost no financial impact at home.

US-Moldova Relations after June 2019

The Republic of Moldova is entering a new era after the events of June 2019, with the rise to power of Prime Minister Maia Sandu, the first woman to ever hold this position, and an agreement of sorts between Washington and Moscow to support the political changes that have been taking place within the landlocked southeastern European state over the last two months.

ProvCast Ep. 40: History, the Holocaust, and the German Problem — A Conversation with Samuel Goldman

Managing Editor Drew Griffin sits down with GWU Professor Samuel Goldman to discuss his piece in Modern Age on Finis Germania, Rolf…

What Ilhan Omar’s Israel Affair Can Teach Americans about Respecting Islam

Is it possible that the partisan quarrel about the rightness or wrongness of Ilhan Omar’s actions is really a hidden debate about the “Islamic Question” that still remains unresolved 18 years after September 11, 2001? As the election cycle heats up, Republicans and Democrats are likely to dance around this question’s two sub-questions: How do we deal with the Islamic world, and how do we deal with Islam inside our borders? The answers to both should be characterized by a single word: respect.

Immigration and Refugees in New Eyes: Prioritizing People over Policy

The United States has become so immersed in the politics and policy of immigration that it has forgotten the human component, the immigrant within the crisis.

The Rhetoric of Freedom

“The Hong Kong thing is a very tough situation. Very tough,” Donald Trump said on Tuesday. “We’ll see what happens….

Hong Kong, America & Liberty

For many in America, including Christians, America is seen as a repressive force in history and in the world. So…

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