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The Prosecution of Asia Bibi Shows Why Blasphemy Laws Are a National Security Issue
The Prosecution of Asia Bibi Shows Why Blasphemy Laws Are a National Security Issue

The US should grant asylum to Asia Bibi, a Catholic mother of five whose blasphemy trial and acquittal have embroiled Pakistan in violence. The aftermath of her deserved acquittal teaches an even larger lesson, for it demonstrates once again how restricting religious freedom can tear a nation apart.

Depart from Me: Jonathan Merritt vs. Mark Tooley on Yemeni Civil War

I was left implicitly damned for suggesting the war in Yemen is complicated.

Human Rights in the Balance: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70 Years On
Human Rights in the Balance: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70 Years On

Christians often look at noble efforts such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as not going far enough. But it is an illustration of the character of a just God imprinted upon the hearts of unjust men and women. Its veneration is an opportunity.

George H.W. Bush: Reflections, Prayers, and a Bipartisan Friendship
George H.W. Bush: Prayers, Reflections, and a Bipartisan Friendship

In Providence’s latest newsletter, Mark Melton reflects on George H.W. Bush, his bipartisan friendship with Bill Clinton, and lessons for a highly partisan America today.

Heavenly Citizenship? Christian Reflections on Nationalism, Globalism, and the Kingdom of God
Heavenly Citizenship? Christian Reflections on Nationalism, Globalism, and the Kingdom of God

What should Christians think of globalism and nationalism?

George H.W. Bush and the Vocation of Politics
George H.W. Bush and the Vocation of Politics

President George H.W. Bush was a principled Christian politician who was devoted to public service as an outgrowth of his faith, and not in spite of it.

Tensions along the US-Mexico Border: Using “Lethal Force” against Migrants
Tensions along the US-Mexico Border: Using “Lethal Force” against Migrants

W. Alejandro Sanchez: Trump’s inflammatory language is not helpful. Rather than engaging with the governments of Central America or the new administration in Mexico, or with the caravan leaders themselves, the president has focused on militarizing the border, vilifying the migrants, and threatening US allies.

The UK Considers New Approach to Counter Terrorism
The UK Considers New Approach to Counter Terrorism

The UK is considering a new law that would criminalize “entering or remaining in a designated area” to help prosecute ISIS fighters from Britain who return home. But laws that could help prosecute them already exist.

George H. W. Bush, Global Leader & Episcopalian (1924-2018)

President George H. W. Bush was the last of nine presidents directly involved in WWII. He also may be the…

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