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Just War & National Honor: The Case of Vietnam
Just War & National Honor: The Case of Vietnam

Just war theorizing has typically left the issue of national honor untouched, although warriors and statesmen routinely emphasize the importance of vindicating the sacrifice of the fallen. Does prolonging a war in order to assuage or vindicate national honor comport with the just war tradition?

The Third Camp - Reinhold Niebuhr Theology and American Foreign Policy
The Third Camp: Reinhold Niebuhr’s Theology and American Foreign Policy

From the ashes of both Bryan’s ignoble isolationism and Wilson’s utopian universalism rose the school of Christian realism advocated by Reinhold Niebuhr.

A Hebraic Approach to History: Response to Doran's "The Theology of Foreign Policy"
A Hebraic Approach to History: Response to Doran’s “The Theology of Foreign Policy”

Ultimately, why Americans see the world through one theological lens or another has a lot to do with whether they identify more closely with a Hebraic or Hellenic kind of Christianity. Put another way, American Christians view the world differently depending on how much they read the Bible, believe the Bible is divinely inspired, and accept the Bible as authoritative in their lives.

Wondrous Chasm between Jacksonianism and Progressivism? Response to Michael Doran’s “The Theology of Foreign Policy” in First Things - anti-Zionism John Foster Dulles Andrew Jackson
Wondrous Chasm between Jacksonianism and Progressivism? Response to Michael Doran’s “The Theology of Foreign Policy” in First Things

While there is enormous merit to Michael Doran’s binary and overall thesis in his First Things essay, there are some complicating factors that obscure the “wondrous chasm” between Jacksonianism and Progressivism.

American Power and World Responsibility
American Power and World Responsibility

The United States’ involvement in two world wars indicates clearly that American isolationism is at a practical end, Reinhold Niebuhr asserts in this article, originally published on April 5, 1943 in Christianity and Crisis. Working toward international integration is a national responsibility – morally and in the interests of security. Alliances depend on the will of their members; it is no different for the United States. Niebuhr also warns of a new danger: a unilateral “imperialist” American military establishment, simultaneously preoccupied with hegemony and unconcerned with the rest of the world.

Protestant Rivalries and American Foreign Policy - Michael Doran - Jacksonians and Progressives
Protestant Rivalries and American Foreign Policy

Rather than simply securing our borders or pursuing our interests, Americans continue to believe that what happens here is the fate of the earth. The real challenge to this consensus would be a view of America as just another country, neither exceptionally good nor exceptionally evil.

Assassinate Assad?
Assassinate Assad?

Following the Christian just war tradition, could the assassination of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad be justified, despite its illegal nature?

Cattle, Pigs & Skunks (O My!): A Brief Reflection on the Religious Foreign Policy Persuasion

Christian theo-political witness has always contended that political responsibility cannot be had by seeking either greatness or goodness absent the other.

Im-ProvCast Episode 1: Lessons from the Vietnam War (Bing West)
Im-ProvCast Ep. 1: Lessons from the Vietnam War

Bing West speaks about his writing, the civil-military divide in America, the Tet Offensive, and the Burns-Novick The Vietnam War series on PBS.

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