Christian Ethics

Bringing “All the World into Combustion”: Roger Williams, Civility, National Security COVID-19 Pandemic
Bringing “All the World into Combustion”: Civility in the COVID-19 Pandemic

The erosion of civility is perhaps one of the more domestic national security threats that the COVID-19 pandemic magnified in recent weeks.

Restraint and Resolve: Christian Realism and the Requirements of Courage - George Floyd - Just War Tradition
Restraint and Resolve: Christian Realism and the Requirements of Courage

Through a Christian realist lens, the police officer’s mission closely corresponds to the just war tradition’s aim of promoting order, justice, and peace. Marc LiVecche reviews how the police failed in the killing of George Floyd.

Missionaries as Spies in World War II: A Review of Matthew A. Sutton’s Double Crossed
Missionaries as Spies in World War II: A Review of Matthew A. Sutton’s Double Crossed

Matthew A. Sutton’s Double Crossed is an important book that offers a case study of how religious leaders contributed to national security in a challenging wartime environment.

That Smile: A Review of Timothy Keller John Inazu’s Uncommon Ground
That Smile: A Review of Timothy Keller and John Inazu’s Uncommon Ground

It is understandable that for many evangelicals their smile has given way to a frown in an increasingly aggressive and hostile secular culture. It is this reality that Timothy Keller and John Inazu engage in Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference.

Marksism | Ep. 2: On Rioting, Reinhold Niebur, and More

In the second episode of the weekly series of Marksism, Mark Tooley (editor) and Marc LiVecche (executive editor) discuss the…

The Great Theological Debate of our Age: Science-ishm and Healthiness during the Pandemic
The Great Theological Debate of our Age: Science-ishm and Healthiness during the Pandemic

Worship of a new deity, “Healthiness,” has only a passing resemblance to actual health. This new god is part of a small pantheon that centers around the chief deity, a “Science” that supposedly holds the key to understanding everything in the universe, from morality to medicine.

Was Abraham Kuyper a Christian Realist?

Abraham Kuyper unquestionably had his failures and his blind spots. But he also labored to find balanced and faithful Christian realist positions on international affairs. We would do well to imitate those principles today.

The US Navy’s Role in the Defense of International Sovereignty

The National Security Strategy says China’s economic and military actions risk diminishing the sovereignty of many states in the Indo-Pacific. The US Navy has a role in defending these states’ rights.

Marksism | Episode 1: R.R. Reno, Nuclear Weapons, and More
Marksism | Ep. 1: R.R. Reno, Nuclear Weapons, and More

In the first episode of what will be a weekly series, the three Providence editors—Mark Tooley (editor), Mark Melton (managing…

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