Syrian Civil War

On Syria and the Virtues of Limited Engagement

The problem is that Americans can’t see the world for what it is, and American policymakers aren’t explaining it to them. Very few, it seems, understand the concept of limited intervention. 

The Coming Humanitarian Disaster in Idlib Syria
The Coming Humanitarian Disaster in Syria

Some in the US government have suggested that we should make a grand bargain with Russia over Syria that would let Assad stay as Moscow curbed Iran’s power in the country. But such a deal would lead to the mass exile or massacre of civilians stuck in the international community’s failed de-escalation zone of Idlib and cement Iran’s control over Syria.

US Should Work with Russia in Syria to Avoid Iran-Israel War

Russia and Iran are coordinating to prop up Assad in Syria but this could bring Iran one step closer to war with Israel.

Four Steps to Smother the Chaos in Syria
Four Steps to Smother the Chaos in Syria

Syria—with five million refugees, 500,000 dead, the Pandora’s box of chemical warfare reopened, a cesspool of terror groups, and Russians and Americans, Israelis and Iranians shooting at each other—is the very definition of chaos.

Israel-Lebanon War Will Only Help Hezbollah
Israel-Lebanon War Would Only Help Hezbollah

If war occurs between Israel and Lebanon, the embattled Christians of Lebanon will suffer in what would be yet another front of Iran’s quest for regional control.

Assassinate Assad?
Assassinate Assad?

Following the Christian just war tradition, could the assassination of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad be justified, despite its illegal nature?

Syria intervention air strike
Thinking through Intervention in Syria

Syria is one set-piece in a larger debate about US foreign policy after the Iraq War. Does the Middle East matter? What are the biggest threats to our future? Should America intervene to halt humanitarian disasters, or do principles of sovereignty and self-interest prevail?

Loser America?

Jesuit priest and author Thomas Reese wrote a Religion News Service column critical of the US missile strikes on Syria’s…

False-Flag Conspiracy Theories are Wrong, and Trump Should Strike Syria - Chemical Weapons
False-Flag Conspiracy Theories are Wrong, and Trump Should Strike Syria

If Assad is permitted to continue employing chemical weapons with impunity, he will successfully normalize them. US forces, our allies, and civilians in the region and around the world will be in great danger of becoming victims of the same.

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