
Nancy Reagan’s Global Influence

Reagan was an optimist. He always tended to think that things would turn out well. She was a far shrewder judge of people and the people around him and had a much clearer sense of who had their own agenda.

Human Nature in an Internment Camp

These accounts from the Japanese-run internment camp in China during World War II can still prompt readers to contemplate several questions.

The Religion of John Foster Dulles: A Review of Wilsey’s God’s Cold Warrior
The Religion of John Foster Dulles: A Review of Wilsey’s God’s Cold Warrior

John Wilsey’s new book “God’s Cold Warrior” is the only full-life biography of John Foster Dulles that thoroughly investigates his religious life and the ways his faith influenced his professional and personal lives.

Report from the Liberated Netherlands, 1946
Report from the Liberated Netherlands, 1946

“Letter from Holland,” by L.H. RuitenbergAugust 5, 1946 While North Americans, on being informed of the church situation in Holland,…

Reports from War-Torn China, 1946
Reports from War-Torn China, 1946

As part of a series of reports from different countries in the fall of 1946, Christianity and Crisis published articles by M. Searle Bates and Henry P. Van Dusen on China. These reveal the situation of Christianity in the country and America’s foreign policy challenge in East Asia.

A Contested Doctrine of Discovery
A Contested Doctrine of Discovery

Recently, some evangelical churches have apologized for the Doctrine of Discovery, a contested fifteenth-century Catholic Spanish theory that Christian explorers could claim and take land previously unknown to themselves if it was ruled by non-Christians, a theory the United States Supreme Court falsely claimed was a universal aspect of international law.

Marksism – No. 62: Nation Building, Afghanistan, Niebuhr
Marksism – No. 62: Nation Building, Afghanistan, Niebuhr

This week the editors cover Henry Nau’s article about nation-building, 75-year-old reports from occupied Germany by Reinhold Neibuhr and John Baillie, a podcast with Rebeccah Heinrichs, and an event with Paul D. Miller and Jon Askonas.

Reports from Occupied Germany, 1946
Reports from Occupied Germany, 1946

In a series of articles in the fall of 1946, Christianity and Crisis contributors offered reports based upon their travels, including from Reinhold Niebuhr and John Baillie in Germany.

For All Mankind

“We build and we defend a way of life, not for ourselves alone, but for all mankind.” That is the…

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