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Europe Populism Nationalism Threat
Does Europe Face a Populism, Nationalism Threat?

There are at least two powerful nationalisms in Europe that are chauvinistic, appropriate religious institutions and identities, and are led by powerful leaders.

Asia Bibi
Give Asia Bibi Asylum, Now

Regardless of the risks, every free nation in the world should be climbing over one another to be the first to offer Asia Bibi sanctuary.

Six WWI Lessons for US Christians

World War I profoundly affected American churches and Christian thought. Recalling that impact offers counsel for the future.

A Flagging Commitment to Foreign Aid
A Flagging Commitment to Foreign Aid

The downward trend in foreign aid spending by the US government is not a function of the American people losing interest in foreign aid. After all, it has never been popular. More likely, it’s a function of presidents no longer defending foreign aid, explaining it, or connecting it to the national interest.

An American Army Chaplain leads worship from a Renault tank during the Meuse Argonne Campaign in October 1918
Fear Not the Darkness: WWI and the Centennial of America’s Greatest Battle

The First World War was a clash that forever changed the world. The heroes of 1918 answered the call 100 years ago. Will we likewise do our part in fighting the good fight and fear not the darkness? 

World War 1 remembrance day
Remembrance (& the War That Ended Nothing)

A century ago, the Great War ended. Remembrance Day is an opportunity to recall those who fought, the fallen, and the costs and sometimes necessity of war.

Revoking Birthright Citizenship: A Trial Balloon or Terrible Idea?

One of the most peculiar moments in the run-up to the 2018 midterms was a trial balloon, floated by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, to remove birthright citizenship from the children of illegal immigrants via executive order. This is not the first time in recent memory the issue of birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants has come up.

To Whom Much Is Given: Making a Case for Foreign Aid
To Whom Much Is Given: Making a Case for Foreign Aid

Recent passage of the BUILD Act, which aims to “facilitate market-based private sector development and inclusive economic growth in less developed countries,” presents an ideal opportunity to discuss the thorny issue of foreign aid.

Trump Foreign Policy: Almost as Bad as I Feared
Paul Miller on Trump and the Fearful Decline of the International Order

We were mostly right about his hateful rhetoric, fundamental dishonesty, trade wars, admiration for foreign dictators, and wild inconsistency. But we overestimated Trump’s competence and work ethic. His ability to bring material harm to the United States has been limited by how little he works and how little he knows about the presidency.

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