Intelligence & Espionage

James Bond Needs the Cold War
James Bond Needs the Cold War

Like so many of our national security institutions, James Bond is an asset that the West hasn’t quite known what to make of since the end of the Cold War.

How the Bush Administration Failed: A Review of Robert Draper’s To Start a War
How the Bush Administration Failed: A Review of Robert Draper’s To Start a War

Robert Draper’s book To Start a War details why the Bush administration made a gravely mistaken decision, despite having clearly met the jus ad bellum criteria of “right intention.”

Christianity and Espionage

Nicholas Dujmovic is 27 year CIA veteran who now directs intelligence studies at Catholic University in Washington, DC. He’s a…

Nicholas Dujmovic Christianity & National Security 2019: How Practicing Christians Can Serve in US Intelligence

Nicholas Dujmovic, who directs the Catholic University of America’s program in intelligence and served at the Central Intelligence Agency for…

Preachers and Spooks: Should US Missionaries Collaborate with US Intelligence Services?
Preachers and Spooks: Should US Missionaries Collaborate with US Intelligence Services?

Should US missionaries collaborate with US intelligence services? What if one’s home government invited the missionary to use lethal authorized force against a known terrorist target?

The NBA and the Long Arm of China

The NBA’s groveling reaction to Daryl Morey’s high crime of tweeting “Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong” sent shockwaves…

China and The Great Network Power

The US created today’s system of global exchange. Now, Beijing is manipulating it to subvert American security, prosperity, and values.

Post-Truth and Consequences
Post-Truth and Consequences

If we cannot agree on what is true and where to find the truth—even on whether there’s such a thing as truth—how can we develop, build support for, and carry out policies that defend our nation and deter our enemies?

Covert Operations: Just War or Dirty Hands?
Covert Operations: Just War or Dirty Hands?

Two Christian schools of thought might support covert operations and espionage: the just war tradition and a kind of “dirty hands” moralism. The dirty hands view says all those in political power must unavoidably resort to evil for the common good. The just war tradition has a different approach.

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